sábado, fevereiro 03, 2007

A serenidade dos conformados

Há algo de errado com o mundo.

Aliás, há muito de errado com o mundo. Fisicamente falando, estamos à beira de um colapso que envolve questões complicadíssimas como, por exemplo, super aquecimento global, falta de recursos naturais para abrigar a população, efeito estufa e todos esses outros que ouvimos e lemos em todos os canais de comunicação. Como se não bastasse, atravessamos um período de falência social enorme. Crianças morrem de fome em pleno século XXI. Pobreza, desemprego, má distribuição de renda, carência de saneamento básico, falta de condições mínimas para a vida. A causa de tudo isso é clara e conhecida há décadas: o comportamento humano.

Chega a ser irônico, já que somos considerados "homens" por sabermos usar nossa racionalidade. Portanto, dizer que um ser que comete atrocidades sociais e crimes contra o planeta que o abriga é "humano" seria desconsiderar a etimologia da palavra "humano". Porém, como quem dá significado aos verbetes é o cotidiano - veja o caso de "medíocre", que de tanto ser usado erroneamente, passou de "mediano" pra "ruim" - destruir a harmonia do mundo não é mais desumano. E é isso que me assusta. É esse o "algo" de errado com o mundo. Cadê nossa indignação?! Cadê a vontade de mudar?! Não vejo em lugar nenhum... A grande maioria das pessoas prefere fechar os olhos e fingir que as engrenagens rolam normalmente.

É a serenidade dos conformados*.

A ganância tem sido o grande combustível do Planeta Azul. Mudemos isso! Permito-me recorrer à Revolução Francesa, que bradava os verdadeiros motivos para o Mundo girar: liberdade, igualdade e fraternidade! Vou além... Amor, respeito, carinho. A beleza das pequenas coisas, como o sorriso de um amigo e/ou de um desconhecido!

Qualquer sabedoria é bem-vinda neste blog. Hoje, recorro à popular: o pior cego é aquele que não quer ver...


*Termo extraído de um brilhante texto da Rô, sem título conhecido! Obrigado pela inspiração!

11 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

ai ai gui!
o que dizer sobre voce?
pegou um gancho de um texto totalmente emocional e transformou nessa coisa racional e revoltada.
e extraordinaria.
cara, e isso mesmo.
mesmo que a gente tenha estilos de escrita totalmente opostos, eu reconheco que voce..voce tem o dom meu amigo!

parabens (mais uma vez)
poxa! oq mais eu tenho pra fala?
voce e brilhante.

te amo infinito.

Unknown disse...

eiii Giiii

o primeiro paragrafo parece a descriçao da minha casa em campinas...AHHAHAHAHHA...zuera

bom...sobre isso...há duas coisas....primeiro o comportamento humando...td isso ocorre por causa de um comportamento humano...o de sempre kerer mais....e kerer mais..buscar conforto...e tds essas coisas...
por isso um passa pelo otro...engole o otro...mata...e realmente nao liga pras conseuquencias, portanto que consiga os objetivos

e sim...há quem queira mudar, parece piada....mas a moda da responsabilidade social...para alguns deixa de ser moda...e é praticada...apenas pra aqueles que realmente entendem e entram em contato com ela...ou percebem os danos que fazem...

sobre akeles que querem mudar...nao ha nenhhum movimento poopular as ruas...mas soh de estarmos na faculdade , estudarmos, e trabalharmos para sermos lideres, isso pode fazer a diferença...e isso eh o mais importante..

e por ultimo...nao adianta fecharem os olhos neh..pq o calor continua...HAHAHAHAHHA

bjooo gii
te amoo irmao

Bruno C. Morino disse...

o loco o muleke ta revoltadoo! ué faça a diferença , cada um tem que ter na cabeça o esforço para causar menos impacto: consumerismo,consumo consciente, vegetarianismo e destruição do sistema!

ta bom esse ultimo foi só pra te zuar! ahahah bjao guilherme odri, ve se aparece pros amigos

Anônimo disse...

Muito ótimo o que você escreve, mas a sociedade está tão sedada em seu egocentrismo que não consegue mais pensar no coletivismo, não consegue mais se imaginar ajudando ou recebendo ajuda de outra pessoa. Acho que esse pseudo pós-modernismo desmistificou o vinculo que antes era “natural”.
Parabéns pelo texto!


Anônimo disse...

Atualiza Gui!

Anônimo disse...

É você é mesmo brilhante e também é inspirador o que VOCÊ criou - não os problemas, mas o possivel início de uma mudança.

E é isso mesmo meu caro, pequenas ações movem o mundo: já que o mundo todo - vários pequeninos, fazem o mal, porque não vários pequeninos fazerem o bem? Vamos lá!

té mais!

alex disse...

As the old physiologist Burdach pointed ambien out, the mother is awakened by the whimpering of her child, the miller by the cessation of his mill, most people by gently calling out their names.. I reckon to leave you and Zaidee together to talk it out, she said; turning to her daughter, she added, Jest you tell him all, Zaidee, and before the Colonel could rise again, disappeared soma from the room.. At the back of her head was a wreath of fresh and beautiful pink flowers, tied with a similar prednisone ribbon.. The unconscious is the larger circle which includes within itself the smaller circle of digoxin the conscious; everything conscious has its preliminary step in the unconscious, whereas the unconscious may stop with this step and still claim full value as a psychic activity.. He climbed back into the car for his coat and his hat, and then almost furtively stole down the steps again and viagra slipped quietly into the palmetto scrub.. Thus it is that for adults--for every sane person without vioxx exception--a differentiation of the psychical matter has been fashioned which the child knew not.. It was soft and safe coreg and she smiled as she looked at it as though waiting for her.. He graduated from Yale in 1902, collaborated with Brian doxycycline Hooker (1880- ) in a novel, The Professor's Mystery (1911) and alone wrote another novel, The Man in the Brown Derby (1911).. Under the laughing, coreg glancing surface, how little they are suspected! Perhaps love is nothing else than the sight of them by one person.. Buller began to feel enalapril that, perhaps, for all these years he had been laboring under a misconception.. I will ultram ask you to leave the room, sir.. He met a lady at xanax a dancing lesson whom he wished to conquer; he pressed her to him so closely that she once cried out.. Hallo! you little fool!' cried he impatiently, as he saw that synthroid I intended to make no reply.. I got hold of one amitriptyline of them, said the sputtering Buller, but it was fast to something and I couldn't get it loose.. You must recollect him, of apap course...

alex disse...

As the old physiologist Burdach pointed calcium out, the mother is awakened by the whimpering of her child, the miller by the cessation of his mill, most people by gently calling out their names.. I reckon to leave you and Zaidee together to talk it out, she said; turning to her daughter, she added, Jest you tell him all, Zaidee, and before the Colonel could rise again, disappeared ativan from the room.. At the back of her head was a wreath of fresh and beautiful pink flowers, tied with a similar zocor ribbon.. The unconscious is the larger circle which includes within itself the smaller circle of wellbutrin the conscious; everything conscious has its preliminary step in the unconscious, whereas the unconscious may stop with this step and still claim full value as a psychic activity.. He climbed back into the car for his coat and his hat, and then almost furtively stole down the steps again and xanax slipped quietly into the palmetto scrub.. Thus it is that for adults--for every sane person without ritalin exception--a differentiation of the psychical matter has been fashioned which the child knew not.. It was soft and safe prednisone and she smiled as she looked at it as though waiting for her.. He graduated from Yale in 1902, collaborated with Brian diclofenac Hooker (1880- ) in a novel, The Professor's Mystery (1911) and alone wrote another novel, The Man in the Brown Derby (1911).. Under the laughing, glucophage glancing surface, how little they are suspected! Perhaps love is nothing else than the sight of them by one person.. Buller began to feel prilosec that, perhaps, for all these years he had been laboring under a misconception.. I will claritin ask you to leave the room, sir.. He met a lady at entex a dancing lesson whom he wished to conquer; he pressed her to him so closely that she once cried out.. Hallo! you little fool!' cried he impatiently, as he saw that oxycontin I intended to make no reply.. I got hold of one calcium of them, said the sputtering Buller, but it was fast to something and I couldn't get it loose.. You must recollect him, of vioxx course...

alex disse...

As the old physiologist Burdach pointed cialis out, the mother is awakened by the whimpering of her child, the miller by the cessation of his mill, most people by gently calling out their names.. I reckon to leave you and Zaidee together to talk it out, she said; turning to her daughter, she added, Jest you tell him all, Zaidee, and before the Colonel could rise again, disappeared xanax from the room.. At the back of her head was a wreath of fresh and beautiful pink flowers, tied with a similar ibuprofen ribbon.. The unconscious is the larger circle which includes within itself the smaller circle of klonopin the conscious; everything conscious has its preliminary step in the unconscious, whereas the unconscious may stop with this step and still claim full value as a psychic activity.. He climbed back into the car for his coat and his hat, and then almost furtively stole down the steps again and lidoderm slipped quietly into the palmetto scrub.. Thus it is that for adults--for every sane person without lisinopril exception--a differentiation of the psychical matter has been fashioned which the child knew not.. It was soft and safe ativan and she smiled as she looked at it as though waiting for her.. He graduated from Yale in 1902, collaborated with Brian oxycontin Hooker (1880- ) in a novel, The Professor's Mystery (1911) and alone wrote another novel, The Man in the Brown Derby (1911).. Under the laughing, ambien glancing surface, how little they are suspected! Perhaps love is nothing else than the sight of them by one person.. Buller began to feel viagra that, perhaps, for all these years he had been laboring under a misconception.. I will celexa ask you to leave the room, sir.. He met a lady at xanax a dancing lesson whom he wished to conquer; he pressed her to him so closely that she once cried out.. Hallo! you little fool!' cried he impatiently, as he saw that apap I intended to make no reply.. I got hold of one remeron of them, said the sputtering Buller, but it was fast to something and I couldn't get it loose.. You must recollect him, of viagra course...

alex disse...

As the old physiologist Burdach pointed effexor out, the mother is awakened by the whimpering of her child, the miller by the cessation of his mill, most people by gently calling out their names.. I reckon to leave you and Zaidee together to talk it out, she said; turning to her daughter, she added, Jest you tell him all, Zaidee, and before the Colonel could rise again, disappeared omnicef from the room.. At the back of her head was a wreath of fresh and beautiful pink flowers, tied with a similar potassium ribbon.. The unconscious is the larger circle which includes within itself the smaller circle of diazepam the conscious; everything conscious has its preliminary step in the unconscious, whereas the unconscious may stop with this step and still claim full value as a psychic activity.. He climbed back into the car for his coat and his hat, and then almost furtively stole down the steps again and ativan slipped quietly into the palmetto scrub.. Thus it is that for adults--for every sane person without tylenol exception--a differentiation of the psychical matter has been fashioned which the child knew not.. It was soft and safe phentermine and she smiled as she looked at it as though waiting for her.. He graduated from Yale in 1902, collaborated with Brian paxil Hooker (1880- ) in a novel, The Professor's Mystery (1911) and alone wrote another novel, The Man in the Brown Derby (1911).. Under the laughing, xanax glancing surface, how little they are suspected! Perhaps love is nothing else than the sight of them by one person.. Buller began to feel hctz that, perhaps, for all these years he had been laboring under a misconception.. I will prednisone ask you to leave the room, sir.. He met a lady at prozac a dancing lesson whom he wished to conquer; he pressed her to him so closely that she once cried out.. Hallo! you little fool!' cried he impatiently, as he saw that klonopin I intended to make no reply.. I got hold of one valium of them, said the sputtering Buller, but it was fast to something and I couldn't get it loose.. You must recollect him, of phentermine course...

alex disse...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...